Yoga has become increasingly popular in the Western world. Often people have misconceptions about what yoga is, and how to practice it. People often assume that yoga means doing yoga in a yoga studio. However, for people looking to practice yoga at home, there are many options available. In this post, I will explain seven popular yoga mudras, and how they can be used in yoga at home.
Yoga has been a popular health and fitness trend in recent years, and not without reason. A handful of recent studies have shown that regular yoga practice may improve the physical and emotional health of almost everyone involved. Though there are diverse types of yoga, these days it’s generally agreed that most forms of the practice involve the use of specific body positions or poses that are intended to open the body’s energy channels, known as nadis.
Mudra is the better way to describe this series. This series of post are about the common mudras like hand gestures used in yoga and various other exercises. These mudras might not be part of your regular yoga practice or fitness routine, but there is a good reason for them to be included here.
Mudras are often part of yoga classes, but how much do you really know about them? Especially if you’re new to yoga, things can get confusing. Which one should be used when? So what’s the difference?
Mudra means seal or closure in Sanskrit. We use these gestures mainly during meditation or pranayama practice to direct the flow of energy in the body with the hands.
Different parts of the hands are connected to parts of the body and the brain. So when we put our hands in yoga mudras, we stimulate different areas of the brain and create a certain energy circuit in the body. In this way we contribute to the formation of a certain mentality.
Meditation can help you deepen your understanding of these hand gestures. Master these common yoga mudras by signing up for our free 30-day meditation course here. We recommend that you use the mudra that best suits your energy for each exercise.
Five elements in us
The universe is made up of five elements, and each of the five fingers is represented by one of these elements. The thumb represents both fire and universal consciousness. The index finger represents air and individual consciousness.
The middle finger represents the Akasha, that is, the connection. The ring finger represents the earth and the little finger the water element.
When these five elements are not in balance, diseases arise in the body. Mudras are a way of creating a balance between all these elements within us. Read on and tune in to some of these common mudras.
1. Gyana Mudra
This is probably the most used mudra in yoga, it is also known as chin mudra. To do this, bring the tips of your thumb and index finger toward each other, and hold the other three fingers together with a slight stretch. This symbolizes the unity of fire and air, and the unity of universal and individual consciousness.
Gyanna Mudra increases concentration, creativity and is a gesture of knowledge. Hold your palms up if you are feeling receptive, or place your palm on your foot if you want to feel more grounded.
2. Shuni Mudra
Ready : Omsika/Valley of the Spirit
Bring the tips of the middle finger and thumb together to connect the elements of fire and connection. This mudra symbolizes patience and discipline and helps us create a sense of stability. Use this mudra when you feel you need extra strength to complete your tasks.
3. Surya Ravi Mudra
Connect the tip of the ring finger and the thumb, and you connect the elements fire and earth. This mudra represents energy and health, it gives us a sense of balance. It can also help bring about positive changes in our lives.
4. Buddha mudra
By touching your little finger and thumb together, you improve intuitive communication. The elements fire and water are united, symbolizing communication and openness. It can also help strengthen your intuition.
5. Prana Mudra
Prana Mudra activates the dormant energy in the body. To do this, connect the tips of the thumb, ring finger and little finger. This mudra symbolizes prana, the life energy, and promotes the flow of this energy, making you feel energetic and strong.
6. Dhyana Mudra
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This mudra provides a calming energy for meditation and is used for deep contemplation and reflection. To do this, place your hands in your lap, left palm under left palm, palms facing up, thumb tips touching.
7. Anjali Mudra
Placing the palms together in front of the heart space symbolizes reverence and respect for oneself and the universe. This wisdom expresses love and gratitude. Namaste.
Use these mudras during meditation or pranayama practice. Each time, choose the one you feel most connected to, or the feeling you want to evoke.
Breathe slowly and evenly with both hands and hold each mudra for at least 2-3 minutes, 10 minutes if you wish.
The seven main postures in the Yoga practice are the standing postures, sitting postures, supine postures, twisting postures, inversion postures, inverted postures and reclining postures. Mudras are the main gestures used in Yoga practice to help simplify the practice of Yoga. There are hundreds of mudras used but here we will explain the main ones as well as the best time to practice them.. Read more about mudras for healing and let us know what you think.
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